The Daily Outlook of Amy McGuirk

HEY- My name is Amy Larson McGuirk and I am from Rhode Island. Thats me, I'm 5'1 and go to Syracuse. Exciting. Beware the Gurkinator

Monday, February 25, 2008

So I haven't blogged in like, a seriously long time.

SO I haven't blogged in a SERIOUSLY long time.

I'm stressed.

There is a lot of work to do this week, and I do not like it. Not at all.

Leave me messages of hope and love.

I promise I'll get to blogging better soon. promise.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thoughts on Thanksgiving

Well, I'd say that this post is probably going to be relatively sappy, so bear with me okay?

This year, in my opinion, I probably have more to be thankful than any other year to date. Not that I havn't had a innumerable amount of things to be thankful for up until this point, however this year was filled with so many new experiences that, quite frankly, could have gone horribly wrong; but.. THANKFULLY, they didn't. I mean, if I go back ALL the way to the beginning of the year, there are just so many things to think of, here is a brief list dating back from january:

- Getting into college
- having probably the best friends one could ask for from LaSalle.
- Graduating
-Having an incredible summer
-Making my college decision

Those are the things that I have no desire to really describe, because they definitely describe themselves. But these next things, I think I should probably describe a bit to make this post a bit... better just in general. Clearly, going to college has given me so many more things to be thankful for now. I'm thankful that my roommate is amazing and we get along really well. I'm not sure how I could have survived if that did not work out. And then I'm also thankful for that other little person, Caitlin, who moved into our room. haah.. and made Colette and me social beings (which was looking like it not might happen) haha Let's not forget the girls on the floor who have provided many late night chats, singing lessons, dancing lessons, hip hop (R&B) jam sesions, abbreviations, and general crazy outings for food (obviously necessary)

Something a little random: I'm thankful for an IM that I recieved over the summer from Mark Blane. Probably my first syracuse friend and definitely one of my best ones. I'm thankful that he didn't give up on me when he realized that I'm kinda a weirdo in that I prefer to stay in. haha Without that lovely person, I would not have... any friends at all. Obviously, there are many friends to be thankful for at school, but Mark was definitely a first friend to be thankful for. And I could not write this blog without mentioning Jordan, a friend who just... is a fabulous person; who not only gets me and helps me when I'm down, we seem to have a mutual understanding of how we are. Naturally there are others like Lindsey, my polar opposite, which makes it work, and Tom and Mike who just kinda randomly became one of my good friends. Of course I'm leaving so many people out, which is basically horrible, and if they ever read this: just know that I'm too tired to remember everybody. And naturally, I couldn't feel like a good person without mentioning Core A. Let's be serious, I'd probably be a lot more insecure working around anybody else. It's okay I'm in Core A!

School aside: I can now definitely say that I am extremely thankful for my family. who is able to send me to school and bring me home. haha I am thankful for the fact that just now I answered a phone call from my grandmother in Kansas. Because, i mean, those small things are just awesome. They make it that much more amazing to be home. I'm thankful that my friends are amazing and that LaSalle is over, but I know it's still there for me incase I need it. While, he might not be too thankful for it, Im thankful that Brian is not goign to the Navy for a little while; he's there to help me get through this year. Let's be serious, I'm thankful for the people who have gotten me through the beginning of this year... because without my Rhode Islanders, I would have definitely had some sort of mental breakdown by now.

I know there are countless things to be thankful for: but for now, that's about it.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


So. Tomorrow is when I regester for classes. Basically, its one of the most confusing processes that i've ever encountered. I have no idea what I'm doing, so basically I'm taking French as an elective and I'm not sure what else. We'll see.

In other news: I have to usher on Saturday for "The Meaning of Life". If Mark hadn't otld me, I would have never gone. I can't read that stupid ushering sheet. Sooooo... thank God for friends right? Right.

People are being REALLY annoying in my women's studies dicsussion group. We're watching a movie, and everyone is takling. So frustrating.

Sorry that these blogs are just, not interesting. I'm too stressed to have interesting things going on in my life. ohhh-- here is one thing. I am getting a practice room down at the theatre tonight, whichi is AWESOME. Basically. So hopefully I'll get some of my poem memorized which will be PROGRESS in life. Plus, I really feel like i want to WORK on my voice and such; which is just something we can't do in our rooms. Its awkward and unproductive. So ... if i end up going, we'll see how it goes. I might not go becauese I still have some studing for a test to do for tomorrow. Good times. Thank God I go home in like... a week. :D Less than that. !!!!!!

Wish me luck on registration. Lord only knows what I'll be taking. At least i have Core and French. Right?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My thoughts of the moment:

well. today has been a long and interesting day. It was the first time I've woken up late since I've been here.
I didn't hear Colette's alarm, which is crazy because the dead hear that alarm. When I finally did, roughly 20 minutes after it had been going off, I woke up.. and turned off MY alarm and went back to sleep .... why that made sense, who knows?! Something in me woke up at 9:03 to catch the 9:10 bus. And it happened. I grabbed my toothbrush/toothpaste and ran to class. hah Brushed my teeth when i got there. and all was well with the world. Then we had class and basically Geri told us that we needed to work hard. and it was really freaky.

I'm having anxiety about tomorrow.

but I did have a relaxing eve with seeing the understudy of Cat on a hot tin roof. so that was... relaxing.

Now i'm awake, with a headache, after taking excedrin.

Good day. ?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Today i put my favorite jeans on. I knew that this would make me have a great day. Haha.. its a good thing I did too because I have to wear spandex with these pants- and its SO cold outside today. Its about 40, which doesn't sound THAT cold, however it definitely feels a lot colder than that. So that's basically pretty good for my life.

Once tomorrow is over. I know that my week is basically finished. Once you get through wednesday, you know things can not be that bad. Plus- I have HardCore tomorrow-- so I'll have SteveCross and Craig in one day. Once this is over- i will definitely know that my week is done. I mean, I'll have work to do; but I think because we had Unnatural Acts due today that we won't have any Geri work which makes me SOO happy.

Last night I was soo stuffed up in my room *and Mom- I couldn't WALK to the library at like midnight* That's probably not the best idea to do with my life. Haha but thanks for the idea!

Women's studies is showing a horrible movie about how sad things with deporting are. It's really sad. I think she said it was in New Bedford. Its's a force of Neo- Liberalism. It's prety crazy. Globalization. Yikes.

Well Im off.


Monday, November 05, 2007

The Alone time problem.

Okay. So there is one major problem with college. There is no such thing called ALONE TIME. There is no time where I can sit by myself and just-- be me. It's very frustrating. Even when people are not talking in the room, their presence is just-- distracting and ANNOYING. I know that's horrible. I mean, naturally its not them... they are not meaning to do anything- and they are not really doing anything. I just want to be alone for now to do some serious working without thinking of other people in the room typing. ugh== the typing. horrible typing.

Back to work. If it ever happens. Maybe i'll just sleep til like.. 1AM. get up when they go to sleep- and then work ? Maybe. haha

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wow. this weekend.

This weekend was pretty crazy. It began on Friday at 5:15 when I got onto a bus to go home! For 6 hours I sat on that bus.. and for about 5 of those 6 hours, I was sleeping. haha. Finally, at about 12:15 or so, I arrived in Boston's bus station and Brian came to pick me up :D That was pretty awesome. It was nice just to see places that did not look like... here. AKA--- relatively lame. I mean, pretty--- but lame. haha

Then on saturday- naturally we went to Nick's.. can't go home without going there ... you're jealous. Ugh- right now, I could eat sooo much from Nick's. I'm starving. haha I'm in Women's studies. I seem to always blog while I'm in this class. I don't know what she's talking about... okay tangent.. anyway- so saturday, I was probably at LSA more than i was at home.. haha but that's okay- "LaSalle Academy-- where I call home" ? Maybe. NO. then i saw Nick/Rob's cast and then Cameron/Dans cast. They were fun. And surprise-- Cer showed up! So exciting. I'm sure all of you who are reading this, have already known exactly what happened this weekend.. so why bother even writing about it? Because its my blog and I feel like it! :)

Sunday-- i left-- bus for 7 and a half hours-- hardly slept at all :( that made me sad. I love sleeping while on trips. Alas, that did not really happen. At least there were no crazy drug addicts on my second bus.

I got back.. and then.. did some work. But not nearly enough.

Basically i'm exhausted. Good times college.